『Lateral and Directional Flight Dynamics and Controllability of Winged Reentry Vehicles:Lessons Learned』
『Lateral and Directional Flight Dynamics and Controllability of Winged Reentry Vehicles:Lessons Learned』
米本浩一 著
定価(本体2,900円+税) B5判、132頁、全英文
ISBN978-4-86163-038-5 C3353
21世紀COE「流動ダイナミクス国際研究教育拠点」レクチャーシリーズ 第4巻
《目 次》
1. Introduction
2. An Overview of the Development Program
3. The Challenges of Vehicle Design
4. Aerodynamic Characteristics
5. Lateral and Directional Equations of Motion
6. The Bank Angle Response of the Open Loop System
7. The Side Slip Angle Response of the Open Loop System
8. The Closed Loop System of Bank Angle Control
9. Discussion and Concluding Remarks